It’s a gorgeous Saturday morning and I am taking the plywood version of the sundial to the Earth Clock for the Day. Come down, bring the Kids! David 802-578-8774

It has been one year since the stones were put in. To celebrate we made some human art. Everyone thought happy thoughts as the plane went overhead! click on the picture for your own Burlington Earth Clock Wallpaper.. Thanks again to Michael Swaidner for doing what he loves.
One Year Anniversary!
During the Art Hop we set up a plywood version of the proposed granite sundial to test.
Sundial Demo

Waiting for a clear view of the sunset can be very rewarding…
Equinox Sunset
Friday the 7th at 6:45 pm Candlelight Sunset Circle Bring a friend and enjoy the Natural Beauty that exists even when we are too busy to notice. Sunset is at 7:10 pm Saturday the 8th from 10 am – 3pm Ivan Mcbeth, Bill Gottesman, David Brizendine and Circles for Peace […]
Art Workshop for the Burlington Art Hop!
Overcast and cool.. perfect running weather. Photos of the day